- Serious buyers only. Please do not back out at the last minute.
- Everything from Vormon Handbag Shop is brand new.(unless stated)
- Strictly no refund and No Exchange.(we have checked the bag before post)
- Payments have to be performed within the 48hs (2 days) after confirmed your order(s).
- Booking will only be valid for one week with 50% payment.
- Sadly, we'll not be held responsible for any damages or loss during delivery.
- The bag will take 2-3 days to arrive (poslaju) or 3-7 days (normal).
- All sales are final. Serious buyer only!
- Vormon Handbag Shop will strictly BLOCK and BLACKLIST any last min cancellations and Backouts buyer ;)
- Item(s) will be posted after your payment.
If you AGREED you can proceed with your order(s).